댓글 번호: 96091 - 새로운 댓글


Creating unique articles on Platform and Telegraph, why it is required:
Created article on these resources is enhanced ranked on low-frequency queries, which is very crucial to get natural traffic.
We get:

organic traffic from search algorithms.
organic traffic from the in-house rendition of the medium.
The platform to which the article refers gets a link that is profitable and increases the ranking of the platform to which the article refers.
Articles can be made in any number and choose all low-frequency queries on your topic.
Medium pages are indexed by search engines very well.
Telegraph pages need to be indexed individually indexer and at the same time after indexing they sometimes occupy spots higher in the search engines than the medium, these two platforms are very beneficial for getting traffic.
Here is a URL to our offerings where we provide creation, indexing of sites, articles, pages and more.
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