• Request "불멸의 이순신"
  • Janet
    조회 수: 5564, 2019.03.09 21:33:39
  • Hello. My name is Janet Quartte, from England. I love the Korean historical drama, especially the drama, "Immortal Yi Sun-shin (불멸의 이순신 in Korean)". Unless you make a broadcast that drama, I will speak ill of the world that the Edge TV is the worst channel in Korea. Thank you.


    + P.S. Don`t use the automatic replying system to this post.

2506 제발 1303 2024.03.04
2505 1 1304 2024.01.11
2504 지승준 1305 2024.04.16
2503 우형철 1311 2024.05.20
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2501 오의택 1314 2023.12.19
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